Monday, September 15, 2008

Thing 23 Evaluation

I Did It!!! I finished 23 Things on a Stick.

This experience has taught me to not be afraid to try using different tools with the computer and WEB. Normally I'm quite apprehensive and don't like to make mistakes when learning new things. 23 Things on a Stick made me try different things, make mistakes, fix them and found out I didn't crash the computer. My Husband is an engineer and is jealous of all the Things I have learned and can't wait for me to show them to him.

All the tools were interesting to learn about especially Blogging, Flickr, & LibraryThing.

I plan to continue using this blog for our Storytime Section at our Library. I now am more confident with uploading pictures and using the fun tools to display them on my Blog and someday our website.

I certainly would participate in a refresher/ updated Things program. The People behind 23 Things did a great job of setting this up, Thank you!

1 comment:

SAMMIE said...


Nice job! Your blog is fun and colorful. It should be great for Storytime.
